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  • naotake呉服店 | 呉服きもの

    Troublesome Shikaiya, the best kimono shop in town notice notice notice 2024年12月6日 【12月展示会のお知らせ】   問屋解放Sale 半期に一度のビックセール 是非ご来場くださいませ!       記 と き 12/6(金).7(土).8(日) ところ 中央区日本橋富沢町12-17      3階 大松呉服受付 特別出品,善之助の世界,天橋庵 丹後織物 織信 博多織 その他 京友禅、加賀友禅、刺繍、蒔絵、江戸小紋、西陣織、 小物その他 ※大放出コーナーあり、 ★ご予約制 12/4(水)迄にご連絡ください。 【11月展示会のお知らせ】 少し寒くなりましたね、いつもありがとうございます。 下記の通り秋冬もの新作発表会🍁を開催致します! ご高覧頂ければ幸いでございます。       記 と き 11/23(土).24(日) ところ 中央区日本橋富沢町12-17      3階 大松呉服受付 生粋堂,西陣有名織屋特集,博多織(織信) 全国の染め織(問屋蔵出し市コーナ!!) 七五三.成人式(振袖) 京友禅、加賀友禅、刺繍、蒔絵、江戸小紋、西陣織、博多織、 小物その他 ※掘り出し物コーナーあり!! ★ご予約制 11/21(木)迄にご連絡ください。 ➿0120-471-529 【10月展示会のお知らせ】   秋の雅裳苑  假屋崎省吾 ~花と着物の饗宴~ 假屋崎省吾氏をお招きして新作発表会を開催致します!ご高覧頂ければ幸いでございます。       記 と き 10/26(土).10/27(日) ところ 中央区日本橋富沢町12-17      3階 大松呉服受付 特別出品 假屋崎省吾作オリジナル作品  川端美朝作 古代印度木版更紗 織信 博多織 その他  京友禅、加賀友禅、刺繍、蒔絵、      江戸小紋、西陣織、 小物その他     ※掘り出し物コーナーあり、 ★ご予約制 10/23迄にご連絡ください。 About NAOTAKE Kimono Store Greetings こんにちは!店主の「村島 直丈」です。私は京都出身の両親の元、一年期(10年)の修行の後、2005年に独立開業させて頂きました。“伝統文化のきもの(古典)”かつ“現代に活きるきもの(モダン)”これらが融合したきものの提案ができれば、と考えています。呉服店ではありますが、販売のみならず、お手入れ・直し加工等様々なご要望にお応えします。もし宜しければ、オリジナル品(生地の選定~下絵~別染・別織)も承ります。こんな呉服屋さんを京都では“悉皆屋(しっかいや)”といいます。私の日課はお得意先様廻りの“出入りの呉服屋”(ご用聞きスタイル)です。 是非他店では成しえないご用件もお寄せ下さいませ、また他店では見る事のできない珍品をご高覧くださいませ。 Three thoughts of NAOTAKE Kimono Store 01 Come and visit! The joy of meeting a once-in-a-lifetime person and kimono. We will help you find your favorite kimono. We will visit your home (for business), hold an exhibition in an old house in Kamakura, and guide you to an exhibition at a wholesaler in Nihonbashi. We will introduce a wide range of works from Living National Treasures and traditional craftsmen from all over Japan to works by contemporary artists. We want to protect, nurture, and pass on the traditional culture of Japan, the kimono. 02 Repairs for kimonos, obi, and more! We accept repairs and other services for cherished kimonos and other items, including stain removal (full washing, stain removal, re-dyeing, gold processing, embroidery, etc.) . We employ skilled craftsmen from Kyoto and Tokamachi to help preserve our customers' kimonos. 03 We aim to be the best kimono store for our customers! We offer newer products! We don't keep much inventory, and instead, we take orders and suggest the items you need from the production areas and wholesalers. We aim to be the best kimono store for our customers by always proposing the latest and most attractive items at great prices. @naotakegohukuten Load More NAOTAKE Kimono Explanation NAOTAKEきもの解説 All Categories Play Video Play Video 01:02 naotake きもの解説1紋屋井関 - 御寮織 神奈川県鎌倉市、横浜市、川崎市、厚木市。東京都世田谷区、港区、中央区、江東区、で幅広く営業所を展開する、naotake呉服店店主による伝統のきもの解説。日本の歴史伝統文化を解説しています。 Play Video Play Video 00:30 naotake きもの解説2 川端美町 更紗紋様 神奈川県鎌倉市、横浜市、川崎市、厚木市。東京都世田谷区、港区、中央区、江東区、で幅広く営業所を展開する、naotake呉服店店主による伝統のきもの解説。日本の歴史伝統文化を解説しています。 Play Video Play Video 00:42 naotakeきもの解説3葛飾北斎紋様 、naotake呉服店店主による伝統のきもの解説。日本の歴史伝統文化を解説しています。葛飾北斎の画業から着物の紋様として独特の風合いを醸し出す匠の一品。 Play Video Play Video 00:22 naotakeきもの解説4 竹久夢二 神奈川県鎌倉市、横浜市、川崎市、厚木市。東京都世田谷区、港区、中央区、江東区、で幅広く営業所を展開する、naotake呉服店店主による伝統のきもの解説。日本の歴史伝統文化を解説しています。 Play Video Play Video 00:39 naotakeきもの解説5 印伝 神奈川県鎌倉市、横浜市、川崎市、厚木市。東京都世田谷区、港区、中央区、江東区、で幅広く営業所を展開する、naotake呉服店店主による伝統のきもの解説。日本の歴史伝統文化を解説しています。 Play Video Play Video 01:33 naotakeきもの解説6貴秀螺鈿 神奈川県鎌倉市、横浜市、川崎市、厚木市。東京都世田谷区、港区、中央区、江東区、で幅広く営業所を展開する、naotake呉服店店主による伝統のきもの解説。日本の歴史伝統文化を解説しています。 NAOTAKE Sales Office Business Area 江東区枝 川営業所 Minato-ku Shinbashi Sales Office Setagaya Ward Office Kawasaki Musashikosugi Sales Office Yokohama Sales Office 厚木営業所 Kamakura Sales Office Yokohama Totsuka Sales Office (Head Office) Yokohama Katakura Sales Office Tokyo eastern area Koto Ward, Edakawa Sales Office 3-9-5 Edakawa, Koto Ward Tokyo Central Area Minato-ku Shinbashi Sales Office 4-19 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Western Tokyo area Setagaya Sales Office 3-24 Chitosedai, Setagaya-ku Kawasaki area Kawasaki Musashikosugi Sales Office 3-1301 Kosugicho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki City Yokohama area Yokohama Totsuka Sales Office (Head Office) 2389-15 Kojakucho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama Yokohama Katakura Sales Office 1-12-33 Katakura, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama Kamakura area Kamakura Sales Office Kamakura City Dai 5-4-8 Atsugi area Atsugi Sales Office 1-8-25 Onna, Atsugi City       【全営業所について】 ⭐️完全ご予約制 ⭐️お出入り専門(外商型) ご自宅へ御用伺いに参ります ※戸塚本店のみのご予約の上ご来店も可能です。 ⭐️展示会の開催(都内や鎌倉その他) お気軽にお問合せくださいませ。 inquiry 全営業所へのお問合せを一括管理しております。 Toll-free number: Goods No. 1    ➿ 0120 - 4 7 1 - 5 2 9 Phone: 045-443-5298 FAX : 045-875-3614 LINEその他からもお問合せ可能です。 ⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩⇩ Let us know what you want いつ頃 どの様な場面で 何を着る予定 ご予算 メッセージ お名前(仮称可) メールアドレス(任意) 電話番号(任意) 住所(任意) 送信 送信が完了しました。 お問い合せ

  • お知らせ | Naotake

    見出し h3 見出し h3 ボタン 見出し h3 見出し h3 ボタン 見出し h3 見出し h3 ボタン

  • 着付け・出張着付け | Naotake

    Kimono dressing and on-site dressing [Kimono dressing reservations and on-site dressing available] ■ Reservation required ■ Area: Fujisawa/Kamakura ■ Transportation costs (actual cost) The available time slots will be decided in consultation with the customer. ■ Dressing fee Long-sleeved kimono ¥9000 Tomesode ¥7,000 Homongi ¥6,000 Small pattern ¥6,000 Women's Hakama ¥6000 7-year-old celebration outfit ¥6,500 5 year old celebration outfit ¥5,000 3 year old celebration outfit ¥3000 Travel expenses: 1,000 yen Early morning fee: ¥1000 (Finished by 9:00) --------------------- Cancellation fee up to 3 days before: 50% The day before and the day itself: 100% ★Others Please feel free to contact us.

  • 各種加工 | Naotake呉服店

    Various processing At NOTAKE Kimono Store, we offer a service where we will come to your home to pick up your kimono with just one phone call. Please feel free to contact us. (There are some areas where we cannot visit, but we will send the product by courier.) You will be pleased with the finished product, thanks to the skills of our experienced craftsmen. Free collection and delivery service Fully washed ◆ 丸洗いとは?  部分的なシミ抜きではなく着物を丸ごとお洗いする洗い方です。 全体的に広がった汗や油分などはこの方法が有効です。  加工方法は異なりますが、洋服のドライクリーニングに近い状態です。 ◆ いつ行うの?   着るたびに丸洗いしていただく必要はありませんが,汚れや汗が気になる時、シーズンの変わり目などの お手入れとして、丸洗いをおススメします。      丸洗いで落ちない変色やシミは別に加工が必要です。 Various fees Plain/Small pattern etc. 7,000 yen Attached: 8,000 yen Visiting kimono 9,000 yen Colored Tomesode 10,000 yen Black formal kimono 10,000 yen Long-sleeved kimono 10,000 yen Nagoya obi 4,000 yen Fukuro obi 5,000 yen Haori 6,000 yen Coat 6,000 yen Undergarment 5,000 yen Washing ◆ 洗い張りとは?  着物を一度バラバラにほどいて(解き)反物状につなぎ水洗いで 洗濯する洗い方です。水につけることで、張り詰めた絹糸が緩みます。   緩んだ生地にまた元のように張りをいれ乾かします。 別途お仕立てをしていただくと(仕立て代別)張りの入った生地は、ほぼ新品の状態に仕上がります。 (一部不可能な場合もございます。) ◆ いつ行うの?  全体に汚れがひどい場合は、洗い張りが効果的です。 また、頂き物や代々受け継がれているお着物の身丈・身幅の寸法直しをする(仕立て直し)の際も洗い張りをお薦めいたします。 生地が蘇ります。 Various fees Single undergarment: 8,000 yen Awase juban 9,000 yen Haori/Coat 9,000 yen Single 9,000 yen Awase Kimono 11,000 yen Single bottom 10,000 yen A lined kimono: 12,000 yen Single Yuki/Oshima 11,000 yen Awase Yuki Oshima 13,000 yen Simple visiting kimono 13,000 yen Awase Homongi 15,000 yen others Please contact us for size adjustments, tailoring, stain removal, streak removal, eye-catching dyeing, etc.

  • 個人情報保護方針 | Naotake

    Company name: NAOTAKE Co., Ltd. Representative: Naotake Murashima Company name: NAOTAKE Kimono Store Address: 2389-15 Kojakucho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama City TEL 045-443-5298 FAX: 045-875-3614 E-mail privacy policy NAOTAKE Kimono Store discloses to users the measures it takes to protect their privacy. At NAOTAKE Kimono Store, we will never transfer or disclose to a third party any personal information (address, name, email address, telephone number, purchased items, etc.) obtained through our interactions with customers. [Information Collection and Use] No special registration is required to use the NAOTAKE Kimono Store website. Anyone with an internet connection can freely view the site. In addition, none of the content contains anything that could have a harmful effect on minors, so the whole family can view it with peace of mind. [About collecting information on quotations, purchase orders, invoices, etc.] Quotes, purchase orders, invoices, etc. request information from you. Here you will need to provide contact information (name, address, e-mail). This information is collected for the purpose of responding to contacts, etc., and will never be used secondary or disclosed to third parties without permission. [Collection contents] A minimum amount of information is required to ensure smooth and accurate processing of your application. If any of the required items are missing, the processing cannot be carried out correctly. Name (required) Email (required for online orders) Address (required) Phone number (required, mobile phone OK) Postal code (please register as much as possible) If you do not have an email address, orders must be placed by phone or fax. [Regarding inquiries, etc.] We accept various inquiries from users via the inquiry form. At this time, we will ask for information (your name, email address) to respond and contact you. For those without an email address, we read all messages from users and aim to respond within 3 business days. Any information collected in this manner will be used to respond directly to your question or comment. Additionally, we will never use your email address for any other marketing purposes. We aim to respond to user feedback as quickly as possible. However, in some cases, we may not be able to respond to opinions or questions that are not directly related to our products or services. We may post questions and answers received from customers, thank-you letters, images attached to emails sent in good faith, etc., excluding personal information. [About cookies] A cookie is a piece of data stored on your computer that contains information about you. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information on our site. If you reject cookies, you may still use our site. We do not use cookies to collect unnecessary information. [About log files] NAOTAKE Kimono Store collects access logs. The purpose of this is to design stores with higher usability by analyzing shopping trends, managing the site, and tracking search keywords and customer trends. It is never intended to collect or identify personal information. [About third-party mediation] We use external shipping companies (mainly Sagawa Express and Yamato Transport) for our deliveries, and we use a cash-on-delivery shipping company to charge for the provision of products and services. We only disclose the minimum amount of information to these companies for shipping and billing purposes and will never retain, share, store or use your personal information for any secondary use. [About security policy] Any sensitive information you submit through the website will be kept strictly confidential with every effort. When we ask you to enter sensitive information on our registration order forms, applications, etc., that information is encrypted and protected. While we are committed to protecting sensitive information online, we also do our best to protect your information offline. All information we obtain from you, including the important information listed above, is for our own use only. [Management of credit card information] Currently, we do not have a method for paying by credit card on the site, and we do not collect your credit card information. [About links] This website contains links to external sites. Although we are selected shops and public institutions, we have no responsibility or liability for the privacy policies of other sites. The privacy practices posted here apply only to this site. [Description regarding the user's modification of their own information "Notification of changes to registered information from customers" If there are any changes to the information registered in our database (information from your previous order or application), please notify us by e-mail or telephone. Updates the database. This will help us process your next order more smoothly. At that time, we will ask you for the following information to verify your identity: Your [name], [phone number], [email address], and [approximate date of most recent order or application]. [Disclaimer regarding information disclosure: "Legal Disclaimer"] Although we will do our best to protect personal information, we may disclose it if required by law. We do this to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or legal process. 【inquiry】 At NAOTAKE Kimono Store, we welcome your comments and opinions regarding our Privacy Statement. NAOTAKE Kimono Store Naoto Murashima 2389-15 Kojakucho, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama City TEL 045-443-5298 E-mail m

  • きもの保管サービス | Naotake

    Kimono storage service We will store your precious kimono in the best possible environment.

  • Naotake呉服店/楽詩帯

    Music belt If you say, "I want to wear a kimono, but I'm not good at tying an obi," we recommend you try this Rakushitai obi. -You can make it in advance and the size of the drum can be customized. ・The obi does not need to be cut and is not affected by body type. - It is wrinkle-resistant and the obi is not easily damaged. - It doesn't easily come undone and is comfortable to wear! -It is compact and easy to carry, so you can use it overseas too! ★ For those who purchase, we will provide a course on how to make and tie the taiko drums (free of charge). ★ Double drum "Rakushi Obi" with DVD 19,800 yen

  • 会場のご紹介 | Naotake

    Venue Introduction 日本橋の問屋さん This is where you describe your project. Give your site visitors a brief description of your project so they can understand what you've created. Click "Edit Text" or the text box. 鎌倉 ギャラリーAKI This is your project description. Click "Edit text" or double-click the text box to get started. Project name This is where you describe your project. Give your site visitors a brief description of your project so they can understand what you've created. Click "Edit Text" or the text box to begin.

  • 着付けスタッフ募集 | Naotake

    ① Recruiting Kimono Dressing Staff Hourly wage: 2,000 to 3,000 yen Those who can dress on-site are required. Regular driver's license required. Car must be brought in (with optional insurance) Kimono dressing for tea ceremonies, entrance ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, weddings, Shichi-Go-San, and other events We will come to your home and help you dress up. It would be good to have a certificate from a kimono dressing class on your resume. ②Recruiting staff for kimono dressing classes 時給1500円~ ★着付け教室講師できる方 講師のご自宅またはレンタルルーム使用、お出かけ会の引率(きものを着てお出かけ)、きもの販売(ノルマ無し) 生徒さんは初歩の方を対象とします。 初めて着付けを習いとりあえず自分で着れるようになりたい 昔習ったことがあるが忘れたので復習したい、 履歴書 ○○着付教室のお許状があると良い お問い合わせ 募集要項の選択 名 姓 電話番号 メールアドレス メッセージを入力 送信する 送信ありがとうございました

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